We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong.

With all the daily drama living in people's lives, the stress of school, or work it is easy to lose track of yourself. Sometimes you just need to take yourself away from all of the stress for a bit to let yourself forget about it.

That's how I spent my day toady. I went out to a local forest preserve and just hiked. Midterms week has just passed us, and after a long week of school plus a busy weekend, some time alone was much needed.

I decided heading to the forest preserve would be a great way to take a load off because not only is hiking a great way to get in some exercise but being almost the end of October, I knew the leaves on the tree's would just be breathtaking.

There's something special about experiencing the beauty in nature. It makes you realize what an amazing place it is we live in. I am a very outdoorsy type of person. When I need a chance to just think and relax there's no place I'd rather be than outdoors taking it all in.

Spending time hiking through that forest this afternoon was exactly what I needed to end my weekend with. I got some time away from the crazy life I live. It gave me the time I needed to reflect, and prepare myself with a clean slate to begin this next week. I would recommend doing this to anyone who doesn't mind getting out into the wilderness for a bit!


  1. I agree with you. I too am a super outdoorsy person. I did the same thing this weekend by going for a walk up Grandview Drive. The view gets better almost every time. Being an outdoorsy person I find it hard to find outdoor activities to do here at Bradley. But of course I am figuring out all of these hiking areas my last semester here... go figure. Nature is absolutely beautiful. During the summer I always spend a month at a lake where my family owns a cabin and I can just sit there and stare at the lake for hours. There is something so peaceful and beautiful about staring at a body of water and some trees.

    Kristi :)

  2. Grand view drive is by far one of my favorite places in Peoria! I find myself doing the same as you at the lake house! I could spend hours sitting on a pier just watching the water! I think sunsets over a lake are the best sunsets you will ever see!!

  3. It's always really important to have a place like that-where you can just get away from it all and spend some time thinking about yourself, reflecting, or better yet just clearing your mind. I know that's my problem - I just can never seem to shut off my brain and stop over analyzing things. Unfortunately I am not the outdoorsy so walking in the forest might not be the best thing for me to do but I did find a rooftop in my hometown that was my place to go. I completely understand what you're saying and the significance of it all. I'm glad you got a chance to go and take a break from all the crazy.

    1. Shutting off your brain is extremely difficult. Especially at this point in our lives. So much is happening. We have all our classes, some of us have to work, we're worrying about graduation, and finding a job. It's a very stressful time! I'm glad you have found you r own place to go to get away from it all! There's a different type of place that works for everyone!

  4. I grew up near some woods, so I liked to go exploring growing up. Now I'm not really an out-doors person, but I do enjoy seeing the scenery and driving along the back roads and seeing the hills of trees - especially in the fall! I live along a hillside now, so I still get my fair bit of nature just outside my window. Unfortunately not really any paths to explore.

    1. Even if you are not out in the wilderness yourself, the view is just as beautiful out a window! I know when I was little me and my friends would spend hours playing by a creek in the woods close to my house and we loved it!


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