Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Dogs, or even pets in general are truly inspiring to think about. They are probably the only creatures on this planet who truly have the ability to love unconditionally. You show a dog an ounce of love and he will forever be your friend. They are the best listeners, companions, and friends. Not to mention they're adorable and you can't help but smile when you are around them.

I have always been a huge dog lover. My family had a golden retriever named Casey since before I was born. He was the sweetest most gentle and beautiful dog. Although, it's hard to find a golden retriever you don't find adorable in my opinion. He was always excited to see us when we came home and never failed to put a smile on our faces. He passed away early on in my life but his memory has always been a happy one. 

When I was in the fourth grade we finally got our second dog, Cody, a yellow lab. Cody is quite the character. We like to say that he is more of a people person. When we take him on walks he wont think twice at the passing of another dog but when we see another human he goes crazy. He is very popular on our street. Often times when we do yard work we let him out in the front yard to roam around. He always makes his way to two or three houses on my block where they love and adore him. They give him a treat every time he comes by and he always remembers that. 

Cody is such a great dog, we never have had to worry about losing him, or him running away. Like I said above, we always let him out while doing yard work but as he moves around the street and it has happened where we forgot he was out there in the first place. We will go inside and shut the door and when we do remember he was out there we go straight to the front door and find Cody laying right in front waiting to be let back in. 
Even if dogs can't talk, or understand what we say to them when it doesn't involve the word "treat" or "walk" it is always more comforting to know they are there in the saddest of times. I truly believe they can sense when something is wrong and they come closer to you. 

There is a huge lesson we can learn from dogs. They are the only thing on earth that can love you more then they love themselves, and they will always forgive. If we could change our mindset's to be a little more like that every day then the world would be a better place. 

If you need a good laugh take a look at some of these videos!


  1. I absolutely love this post as I am a huge dog lover myself! I have a cockapoo at home and I can't stand being away from him while I am at school. I agree that we should strive to be more like dogs because their love is truly unconditional. I think if humans were more like dogs the world would be a much better place.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I figured it's hard to not smile when you see a cute dog so why not add a post about them to my blog! I feel your pain, It's hard to leave my dog when I head back to school but when I come home and see him he makes me so happy!!

  2. This post put a smile on my face! It makes me miss my dogs at home so much! I love the fact that if I haven't been home in a while our two family dogs are always so excited to see me! It makes me so happy! I agree that if humans were to treat other people with amount of love that dogs have, the world would be a much happier place.

    1. Not having my dog at school is really sad! I definitely wish is was much easier to have a dog on campus or any sort of pet because it definitely helps people's attitudes and stress levels! That's why I love when they bring the service dog's to the library during finals week!


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