It is Only Possible To Live Happily Ever After on a Daily Basis.

This blog is slightly different then my past posts. Instead of writing about specific things in my life that make me happy, I am going to talk about aspects I find internally touching.  These issues deal with my way of thinking, and therefore effect my happiness by changing the way I look at certain situations.

I came across a writer named Dani Dipirro who has a blog titled Positively Present. Dani  realized after 25 years of living with a negative attitude she wanted to turn her life around and start focusing on the positives. She uses her blog to focus on finding the positives and embracing the present in her life.

This blog caught my attention because I consider myself a positive person but often catch myself thinking negativly about the past. Dani focuses on living in the present and not letting the past hinder your happiness. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this.

One particular post I enjoyed was titled "Don't wait for love: 10 ways to love yourself now". This post talked about different ways to accept yourself and therefore become happier with who you are. Below are a couple of points that stuck out to me. I feel I could work to better myself in these areas.

Point 1: Celebrate your past. Often times when I am looking back on my life I remember the sad times; the times that really took a toll on me and the things I like to dwell on. One thing that I have done to change that is by living by the words: everything happens for a reason. God has a path set out for each and every one of us. Without the details of our past there is no way we would have gotten to where we are today.

Point 4: Transform your mindset. It is important to focus on the positive features of yourself rather than the negatives. Sadly, in our society we are so prone to pointing out the negative aspects we find in ourselves . This could be about our appearance, our personalities., or a multitude of other things. I am no exception. I often compare myself to others and find I'm not pleased with it. I seem to find things about my physical appearance that I don't like. I have challenged myself to only think about the positives and to quit comparing myself to others. We are all living a different life and have different issues or challenges that life throws our way. This makes it impossible to compare yourself to others.

Point 5: Embrace your future. As I drown myself in sadness with the realization that my senior year is coming to an end, I must also realize the opportunities and excitement this transitioning time brings with it. After I graduate, I will be opening the doors to a whole new chapter of my life. This will include exciting new experiences. The future is an exhilarating thought with endless possibilities and it is important to remember on the bad days that new and exciting things are to come.

Point 7: Live in your moment. It's important to accept what is in your life. You can only change so much and you can't control what others think about you or the way you choose to live your life so forget about them. You need to do what makes you happy and live life to the fullest. Forget about things that happened in the past but don't forget how it made you the person you are today. Don't worry about your future, it will all fall into place if you live your life today in a positive way.

Point 8: Sing your own praises. I am not one to talk about my accomplishments because I often times feel like I am bragging. One thing I need to work on is voicing my accomplishments and being proud of what I have achieved. This will help me become a happier person.

Point 10: Appreciate your life. Stop focusing on the things you want to change and instead, focus on the things you want to stay the same. We always want what we can't have but if we stop thinking about what we want and start loving what we have we will be much happier. Appreciate everything you've got and realize how lucky you are to have all of those blessings.

These points from Demi's blog made me reconsider the way I reflect on my life. I plan on making a cognitive change in myself to begin to practice these ideals. I encourage you all to attempt to do the same to see if you notice a change in your lifestyle.


  1. Point #7 is my fav. I think another part of this is the YOUR moment. Social media allows us to see many other people's moments, and I think sometimes we don't think ours measure up. The reality is that we all have our own life and moments to life rather than living out someone else's destiny.

  2. I completely agree with you. It is probably the point I struggle with the most in my life. I care a whole lot about what people say or think and I let it get the best of me. Social media definitely doesn't help very much though, you're right!


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