Dance like nobody's watching, sing like nobody's listening and live like there's heaven on earth.

When I was scrolling through my twitter  feed today I saw this article posted called 5 ways to get happy fast.

The five steps listed were:

1. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths.
2. Doodle
3. Sing out loud
4. Laugh it off
5. jump!

Besides these five points, it had one specific point added in that stuck out to me at the beginning of the article: Dance. I love to dance. Some of my happiest moments are when I am dancing. By no means am I a good dancer (and I'm sure my parents are pleased by that after all the money they spent on dance lessons through my life) but there's something that happens when you dance that just makes you and everyone around you happy. It is a time to just let go and be free without a worry in the world.

It's more fun to dance crazy in a big group because it gives you and all your friends something to laugh about, and everyone knows laughter is the best medicine! I especially love dancing with my friends because we just act goofy and do these crazy outrageous moves, I'm sure we get weird looks for it but we don't really care to notice because we are having a great time.

The amazing thing about dancing is that you don't have to be the one dancing to enjoy it, many people get just as much pleasure and happiness from just watching people dance and have a great time, or make a fool of themselves.

These two videos are some of my favorite laughs. You can't help but crack a smile when watching these.


I do like the 5 original points they had listed as well. I believe singing is a great way to get your emotion out. I am just as good of a singer as I am a dancer, but that doesn't stop me. I belt the words out to any and every song I know, weather be anything from country to rap! It takes people by surprise but Eminem is definitely one of my favorites. I could sing most of the words to a lot of his songs and when I do it triggers a light in me and I can't help but feel a release of stress letting in a wave of happiness.

You could find me performing mostly in my car or in the shower (the acoustics are great in there). Often times when I am in a bad mood I will take a car ride, put on one of my car ride playlists and let loose. It never fails to make me feel better. My friends and I enjoy putting on musicals for anyone that passes by in the car and it is by far one of my favorite things.


  1. I am right with you! I am not a very good singer or dancer (5 years of dance classes didn't help me either), but yet I still do both all the time because it does automatically make you feel happier! I always have so much fun when I'm out with my friends and we just act goofy and do the strangest dance moves. Who cares if people give you weird looks! you're probably having a lot more fun than they are!

    1. ^^This is Katie Isdonas by the way

    2. I completely agree with you! The fear of judgement is so straining these days, I know I worry about it constantly, but we can't let that hold us back! I'm happy you and your friends don't let it hold you back! Because you're right, you probably are having more fun than them!!

  2. I can totally agree with this post! I was on a dance team in high school for 3 years and I'm still a terrible dancer. But some of my best memories are when my friends and I just bust out dancing to the weirdest stuff and in the weirdest ways. Music is my go-to when it comes to cheering me up though. Even if I'm just listening to some of my favorite songs, it always helps to clear my mind at least.

    1. Music can most definitely have that effect on people. It can make you happy in certain situations, and sad in others. It's truly amazing how much power music has over us. But music is always my go to when it comes to cheering my roommates up, or trying to get them to have fun!


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