Other things may change us, but we begin and end with family

This past weekend was family weekend here at Bradley University. My mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law all came down to visit. We spent all of Saturday together barbecuing with my friends and their families. On Sunday we went to Tanners Apple Orchard. This weekend is what really inspired me when writing this week’s blog.

I am an emotional roller coaster because it's my last year here at Bradley. I keep thinking about all of the lasts I have to experience. I'll be leaving all the friends I have made here and will be undergoing tremendous lifestyle changes in just under a year. I'm not only thinking about the sad things, but also about the excitement that comes with searching for a full time job, finally making it to graduation, and never having homework again.

Going along with this, I also think about everything I have been through over the past few years. College has put me through some of the best times in my life and some of the worst. I have had many mental break downs here. At the time, it seemed like it was the end of the world. However, it turned out not to even be the slightest bit relevant today. 

Throughout this mix of emotions, there is always one constant factor in my life that will never change. That factor is my family. My family has been there with me through every step of the way. When I failed my first test my freshman year and was sitting in the hallway of my dorm crying my eyes out at 1:00 AM (probably waking up everyone on my floor), they were on the phone with me telling me that C’s can still get degrees- but to don't push it. Subsequently, when I made the Dean’s List for the first time, they proudly showed off my certificate on the fridge at home. No matter what the situation, they always supported me.

I am so lucky to have such a close family whom I can count on no matter what. They love me unconditionally and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Despite the situation, they will always be my shoulder to cry on and my number one cheerleader.They have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I have never met such a crazy, fun loving group of people. There is never a dull moment with us. They make me smile from ear to ear. My family is my everything and I wouldn’t change that for the world.


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