It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.

When making the transformation from high school to college, one of the biggest worries we have is whether or not you will stay close with your friends from high school or if you will be able to make new friends. This was a major worry for me because most of my friends were going to the same college while I was not.

I have been friends with the majority of the same group of people since kindergarten. They are family to me. They’ve been there for basically every major life event I have been through for as long as I can remember. It's impossible for me to imagine a life where I never met them. Absolutely nothing in my life would be the same without them. They have helped shape me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t want it to have been any other way.

Luckily I have been able to stay in touch with them as we are finishing up our senior year of college. I am blessed to say that I believe our friendships have only grown with our time spent apart. We make time for each other during the school year by visiting our friends schools and seeing each other at home over holiday breaks. When we see each other after a long time apart, we are able to pick up right where we left off. There is something very special to be said about friendships like that. With us, the conversations come easy and the laughter often.

Each and every one of my friends from home has a special place in my heart. They would stick up for me, even if I were wrong, just to have my back. They know exactly how to make me smile when I am sad, and they never let me be goofy alone. My friends are the weirdest bunch of people I know, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I consider myself one of the luckiest people because not only are my friends from home great, but so are the friends I have made at school. It’s often harder to create a friendship on a deeper level when you only have a couple years to develop that friendship. However,  I can say with confidence that I will consider a lot of my friends from college to be lifelong friends.

Along with some of the best memories I will have, I have encountered some of my hardest moments of my life at school. I wouldn’t have been able to get through it all without the love and support of the friends I made at school. They have mastered the art of putting a giant smile on my face from ear to ear after only knowing me for a relatively short time. They listen to me when I need to rant about the stress of school or boys but also help me celebrate the exciting times in my life. They know my family like they’ve known me for years and can tell you all about my past because they’ve listened to my stories usually more than one time (and actually payed attention, no matter how boring).

As I am beginning the end of my college career, I begin to appreciate their friendships more and more. Though I’ve only been with them for four short and fast years, they have taken on a huge role in my life. I will forever miss these moments that will soon turn to memories but with the remainder of my time here, I will do my best to make the most out of the time we have left. In the words of Winnie the Pooh, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." Even though we will not be saying goodbye forever, it will never be exactly the same as it was when we all lived within a square mile of each other. I'm excited knowing that as the future approaches, there is different adventures awaiting us. I hope my friends, both from home and school,  know how much they have changed my life for the better. I can only hope they can say the same for me. 


  1. Awesome blog article! I enjoyed reading it as it reminded me of how close I am to all my high school friends. It really is something to cherish! Some I have known since kindergarten as well. I don't know what I would do without them. All of us split up for college and are all over the map. Thank goodness for group chats! We don't even speak that often, but when we do it's always something to laugh about or to help fix each others problems. I love them so much and I will always be there for them as they are for me! I wish I was able to visit them during our college career, but unfortunately was never able to with my volleyball schedule. I too see them on every school break and we always catch up like we have been together this whole time! Can't believe our college years have gone by already... Craziness! I also can't wait to see what is in store for all of us and to keep in touch throughout our different journeys! :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I can't imagine how hard it would be to be as far away from some of your friends as you are, for me we are all still in the Illinois area, but you're right!! Group me is a life saver!! I'm happy you are able to share such a great relationship with your friends from home as well because they truly do make a difference in your life!

  2. It is so great that you have been able to keep in touch with your friends from home and stay so close! I wish I could say the same. My friends and I all kind of split in different directions and although we tried to keep in touch in the beginning, as more time went on, the harder it became. Bradley became my home and the people I met here became my family. They made me realize what I was missing in the friends I had back home. I thought that my friends in high school would be my best friends way into the future, but now I know that it is my friends that I have made in just these short 2 years that I've been here that will be my friends forever.

    1. Going away to school definitely throws some curve balls into a friendship, but I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason and maybe that was to help you really find your family here at Bradley! I'm so happy to hear that you did find your group here at Bradley because that's one of the biggest reasons we come to this school, to feel like we fit in at home with a warm group of people! They seem like a great group of people who love you a lot!


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