Doing Good Does You Good

Often times we aren’t very appreciative of everything we have in our lives. I can personally say that I take most things in my life for granted and I am positive I am not the only one. 

This past Saturday I volunteered at Loaves and Fish This is a weekly event the First United Methodist Church hosts. The purpose of this event is to provide the less fortunate with hot meals, pantry food items to take home, a worship service, and health related check ups.

Every time I go to this event my heart breaks a little bit more. It is crazy to think that there are so many people who need this extra help just to get through their daily lives. Many of these people, I'm sure, never receive it. It's crazier to think that there are still people in our community who need a helping hand. It is impossible to get the proper amount of care to everyone who needs it. 

It makes me realize how lucky I am to have a family that cares about me, a roof over my head, friends by my side, and job opportunities within grasp.  My parents have been able to provide me with more than I could ever ask for. I grew up in a great area surrounded by amazing people who also cared and looked out for me. Many of the people that show up to Loaves and Fish can't say these things.

It makes me happy to say that I have the power to live my life the way I have always dreamed. If I am willing to put in the time and effort, I have the ability to go wherever I want and do whatever I want if. It makes me even happier to be able to say that with my time and resources I am able to attempt to make a difference in other people's lives. I enjoy bringing a positive conversation into their day and I enjoy being able to serve them a warm meal, however, most of all I enjoy being a friend to them.

Even though I can't provide everyone the pleasures that I have been lucky enough to have in life, it brings me happiness knowing that I was able to at least help out for a day and care for someone who needs it. Volunteering provides an incredible feeling of achievement and satisfaction knowing that what you did provides happiness to others. At the end of the day, seeing a smile on everyone's face is what truly matters. I am thankful that I am able to help people who are going through hard times and hopefully help bring a change for the better to their lives. 


  1. Always proud of your generous heart! It always feels good to give to others. Continue throughout your life and you will always be rich in your heart! Xxoo


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