My Inspiration

I had a hard time coming up with a topic I wanted to write about for this blog. Over the past weekend I came across this quote that made me really think about all the negative things that are so prevalent in our lives. This quote inspired me to come up with some sort of topic that gave me an outlet to think about all of the positive things life has to offer.

Being a senior in college, thinking about graduation and all that it includes can be a lot to handle at times. I can’t even begin to explain how sad it makes me to think my time here at Bradley is coming to an end. If I could, I would do it all over again the exact same way time and time again. I met some of my best friends here, and created memories that will stay with me forever. I am currently beginning to plan for the next phase of my life which mainly entails job searching. Job searching is not only an exciting thing, but it can be very stressful and draining as well. Staying positive throughout the whole experience is sometimes difficult.

Not only am I thinking about what I want to be doing in just nine short months, but I am also beginning to think about the type of person I want to be. I want to make the most out of my life. Not only that but I want to be genuinely happy, and I aspire to make everyone around me happy. One of the best ways to stay positive is to focus on the good things in life, rather than the bad.  That is sort of where I came up with the idea to talk about all the things that bring me joy in life.  

Each week I will come up with one aspect that brings joy into my life and I will share a little background on it. I hope you not only learn a little bit about me and the things I enjoy, but also I hope I can get anyone reading this blog to start thinking about their own joys of life. I am excited to get started! 


  1. I'm excited to keep reading! It seems like nowadays people love to dwell on the negative or things they like to complain about, but this is a refreshing perspective! It's so cool to be able to think about and be thankful for the things that bring us joy rather than on negative things. It makes me think about those things for me in my life, so thanks!

    1. I'm glad my topic was of interest to you! I am very excited that you began to think about the things in your own life that you are thankful for, and bring you joy because ultimately that was my goal!

  2. I really like and appreciate this perspective you have established. Being at the same point in my life, I understand where you are coming from and I look forward to reading future posts. I think what you said is very true- people focus on the negative more than the positive - i'll be the first to admit that I am guilty of it and I commend you for trying to change it.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I'm happy that this is something you would be interested in reading more on! I think we can all say we are guilty of focusing on the negative, which is why I decided there's no time like the present to begin to turn things around one step at a time. I encourage you to do the same, because it does give you a slightly different perspective on life!


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