Friends Change, Lovers Leave, Sisters Are Eternal.

            Four years ago I would have told you that I wasn't going to join a sorority in college. I didn't think it was something I was interested in, and I definitely didn't want to be seen as the typical sorority girl. That quickly changed when I got to school. My roommate was all about Greek Life. Her whole family was apart of it in their college careers and she wanted to follow in their footsteps. She managed to convince me to go through recruitment and I never knew how much I would appreciate that in the future.

            It wasn't until I moved into the Pi Phi house my sophomore year when I began to truly learn what sisterhood really meant to me. It wasn't just the philanthropy, or the rituals that bind you. It's the memories you make along the way and that is by far the most rewarding aspect of sorority life. You always hear "These are the best four years of your life" but you never know what that means until it's about to be gone.

            Being that I basically have one more semester left at this place I can call home, these realizations are hitting me hard. I think what makes these four years so great is that the don't last forever. I find myself reflecting on all of the memories of the past, the people I have met, and the places I have been and there is nothing I would want to change. These four years have made me so happy and I have none other than the girls in my house to thank for that.

            My love for this house started with my sophomore year roommate. I couldn't have found myself a more perfect person to live with. She is still the nicest person I have ever met who will have my back no matter what. She laid in bed with me every time I cried, and celebrated every test I aced or internship I got. She took care of me when I was sick, and she managed to learn all my friends and family members by name. She could order my food from at least ten different restaurants (and remembers the extra sour cream), and she could finish just about any of my childhood stories because she has listened to them so many times. She is the best example of a sister I could think of and she is one that I will forever be friends with.

            It didn't take long to fall in love with my Greek family, how could you not like a group of girls who get together for a Mexican food night at least once a semester. My big spoiled me, and immediately made me feel like family to her. She listened to me when I talked and shared her past experiences with me. She still Comes back to visit and when she does it seems as if she has never left.

            My little was a soul mate from the start. She immediately told me she picked me as her big when it was supposed to be a secret (and it was nearly impossible to not tell her I picked her too). You can always count on her to favorite your tweets, and if you talked to any mutual friends they would tell you it is impossible to decipher one of our snap stories from the other because we both post obnoxious videos singing our favorite songs. all. night. long. She slept over after I broke up with my boyfriend and did the walk of shame home the next morning without thinking twice about it. She was just as excited to celebrate my 21st birthday as I was, and had her own count down going five months prior. She has probably has cried thinking about me graduating more than my own mother has, and that is why I love her.

            Being in a sorority means finding a group of girls to be a stand in family when you are at your home away from home. I have never met a group of girls so willing to go out with you on a school night, when they have a test the next day just because you had a bad day. These girls would find me crying in the kitchen late at night and without questioning it, sit there and cry with me. They would watch The Bachelor with me in the dining room every Tuesday before chapter, and it never got old when Brittany would say she's trying out for the following season. They put up with my endless pranks, and were not afraid to prank me back. They took me out the night I broke up with my boyfriend and had me dancing the whole time. We definitely have our fights, but we always find a way to make up because we realize that we wont live in the same hallway, or a block away for much longer.

            Because of my sorority I have found the roommates I am living with off campus. No matter how many mice we find, or spiders we have to kill, these girls make my house feel like a home. They pretend to be my mom when I spend all day studying and forget to make dinner, and let me blast Christmas music even though Halloween hasn't hit yet. They were in my room with me the night my Grandpa died, and surprised me at his funeral. These girls mean the world to me, and I would never have met them if it weren't for my sorority.

            If I never would have met these girls my world would be completely different than it is today. They have managed to take on a roll in my life that only seems possible for someone I have known for half my life, when in reality it only took a year. These girls made my last four years unforgettable and I will never forget that.


  1. This made me cry. A beautiful story about the wonderful women in your life!


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