The Groundwork For All Happiness Is Health

Exercise is an important part of our daily routines. It not only is physically good for you but it is mentally good for you as well. You get  a sense of pride from working out. I am not the most fit person out there, in fact I have been slacking in that area but I still appreciate it when I make the time for it.

My favorite part about working out is the confidence you gain in yourself after your workout is done. You not only feel better but you think much more highly of yourself. I personally feel happier when I get a good routine going to help me work out. It is one of the best ways to clear your mind, and relieve yourself of stress.

I am no fitness guru so I have to look up a lot of my exercises. I find most of them on Pinterest. That is probably the first place I look especially when I am trying to work out a certain part of my body. If I am wanting to run I usually use the Nike app to track how far I run and how far I've ran in the past.

One of my favorite ways to exercise recently is biking. There is one route I ride back at home that runs through a forest preserve. It is beautiful at any time of the year. Living in the suburbs you have to search to find the open lands like this, and I have continued to show all of my friends the path. It is the best place to go to clear your mind and get away from everyday stress.

If only I could get myself to stick to my exercises and eat healthier I would be on a great track!
