Pay It Forward

Today I was reminded that there are still beautiful people in this world that genuinely care about others. As I was starting my day headed to work this morning I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to pick up a coffee. In the drive through I noticed the cashier at the window smiling and nodding to the person in front of me. It wasn't the regular friendly smile that cashiers put on their face to get good customer service reviews, you could tell this cashier was genuinely happy about something. I began to wonder what had happened to cause his excitement. 

As the person in front of me drove away and I pulled up to the window I was handed my coffee. When I went to give my money the cashier smiled at me and said the person in line in front of me paid for my drink. I was speechless! I always hear of people paying it forward but I never thought it would happen to me, as I'm sure most people don't. 

Instantly my day had been changed. I went about my routine with the most positive attitude and I noticed myself smiling at everyone I passed. I realized how happy that simple act of kindness made me which got me thinking, what a great way to change someone's day. I immediately started thinking about other way's I can pass on the good deed.

If we all thought of one simple act of kindness that we could do for another person, imagine the length this deed could carry forward. I am inspired to challenge myself to do this often and I hope I others will join me in making someone else's day a happy one.
